Sunday 24 June 2012

to the one who is me.hehe.

Don’t let the others take advantage on you.

You know your potential. People knew it as well. You know what certain people don’t know. They know you know.

Beware. Be cautious. Don’t let this kind of people take advantage on you. The one who just come to you when they need you. When they need something. When they need someone like you. The one who drop a line only when they feel sad; but forget you when they are happy. Message you when they need something, and forget you when they already get the thing.

This kind of people is someone who is not suit for you even as a typical friend. To get the priority as a special friend?huh. Jauh panggang dari api. That’s it. Just ignore this kind of people. There is no use for you to get hooked with this people anymore.  Takkan terjejasnya kalau tak kawan dengan orang macam ni, right? Be matured. Be smart. Be yourself. Beware.



(p/s: kenapa tiba2?ini macam luahan perasaan je.hehehe…penah jadi ke?to you?ahaaa…this is normal n current situation laa. Most of us experienced this. And sometimes the one yang treat people macam tu pun penah terkena jugak.haha…that’s why they act that way.huu..tapi itu orang yang tak matured..kesian~)

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